Digitail Ideas

Veterinary Software

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Auto-reply for SMS
Under review
Send msg to clients out of office hours about response times.
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Patient Photo on Invoice
Under review
Add the patient's photo to the invoices and certificates to make the client/patient experience personalized. We use to have this with our previous software and all of the clients loved this.
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Chat / Communication Integration
Under review
Chats should show up in the health card under client communications. We have missed important details too many times.
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Discount Blocks
Feature request
Under review
A way to block a certain product from receiving discounts, like a toggle option maybe? That way we can apply discounts across the board and know that those specific products will not have it applied
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Secure pay for South African Digitail users
Feature request
Under review
Good day.Please could you impliment a secure pay system on Digitail for us South African users as well? In our country unfortuanately people are not as honest as in USA.So using your telemedicine...
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Tasks "in progress"
Under review
Add symbol or some kind of indication that a task is being worked on so that multiple people are not working on the same task. We have had a few instances where clients have been reached out to twice...
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Search patient ID on quick search
Under review
Currently we can only search a patient ID through the patient page. It would be easier and helpful to be able to search the patient ID number in the quick search bar (located on the top right corner...
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Checked in color
Under review
Once an appointment is checked in, the appointment block changes to a different color on the Calendar without having to look at the flow board. Similar to how marking a no show changes the appointment block to...
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Color/emoji to track patient through hospital
Under review
Flowboard can get crowded - would be nice to be able to update where pet is in the hospiltal - setting different colors OR even an emoji (flags, check marks, clock, etc.) to state what stage of the...
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Selfie slide show
Feature request
Under review
Creates slide show of all animals in the clinic that is shown to the clients while they are waiting. This is something that Vet2Pet does and we love it.
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